Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Romero Visitors Center

       It was a fresh sunny Friday morning when I decided to go to the Romero Visitors Center located at the entrance of the Pacheco Pass off of 152.  It's a bit hard to find, so it really important to pay attention to the road signs. It is really close to the dam. If you had a stressful day or you've been driving too long and need a quiet place to relax, the Romero Visitors Center is the place to be. As soon I drove in I noticed the quietness of the place. I felt so relaxed. There was enough shade for those hot summer days. This place is not a place to relax, but also to learn. 

      When you go inside the building there are different exhibits on wildlife and dams. The information is not only on the local area but also all the dams in the valley and the wildlife around the dams. You have a chance to learn about how and when the dam was constructed. There is also exhibits on how dams work, and what types of dams exist in Claifornia. Other exhibits have the type of fish and animals that can be found in and around the resevoirs and in the deltas. There is also another exhibits that shows the tribes that used to around the reservoirs. 
     There are exhibits that show the time history for dam building and the reasons that lead to building the dams. When ever you have time to spare or just want to get away from the fast lane and take a little trip to the slow lane and visit the Romero Visitors Center.

Written by Cristian Flores

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