Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pacheco High School


There are many features that Pacheco high school has. It has two  gymnasiums, a theatre which seats 380 people, a 17 lane pool, a library which features high tech research and online learning via a wireless network and Ipads. It also has a high tech fitness room called the X arcade which engages with video equipment such as, the use of a stationary bicycle that is attached to an interactive video screen allows a number of location trails to display such as the Appalachian or the Rockies. And finally Pacheco High has a gaming component where students are able to compete with a figure on the screen that require physical action. the faculty at Pacheco were happy to give me a tour of the school and  allowed me to take pictures

On August 16, 2010 Los Banos opened its doors to a new high school. Pacheco High School is the first new high school to open in  Los Banos in over 40 years. The high tech high school has four general “pathways” for students to follow as they prepare for their future.There’s the A-G college pathway which is a college prep approach that prepares students to enter a UC or CSU college program, a culinary arts pathway, an arts and media pathway and there is also an Ag-career pathway for those who intend to be involved in agriculture.

Written by Blanca Lafuente

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